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Matthew was born in 1997 and was diagnosed in utero with a heart defect. Doctors were not quite sure of the extent of his heart defect until further testing upon his birth. When his parents met with the doctors after Matthew’s first ECHO, they were told that they were going to have to describe Matthew’s defect the best that they understood it to be. This was the first indication that Matthew’s defect was quite unique. No one was sure how Matthew’s health would play out over his first several days of life. Thankfully, he did well, and he was able to go home. Over the next couple of months, after multiple ECHO’s and a cath, doctors discussed Matthew’s defect and decided on a course of action (which wasn’t easy for them to agree upon). It was decided that Matthew would need two surgeries in the first few years of life. He had the Glenn procedure when he was six months old and the Fontan procedure at two-and-a-half years old. He did well with both surgeries, and his parents were always amazed at how quickly he bounced back.
As I write this, Matthew is now preparing for his senior year of high school, nothing short of amazing to his family. He had stayed active through his school years, playing soccer and basketball. His doctors have always told him his activities would be self-limiting, and Matthew, for the most part, was able to keep up with his friends. He enjoys fishing, video games, and spending time with his friends. His health has stayed steady through the years, with a few bumps in the road, but nothing that he hasn’t been able to overcome. Matthew has always been very private about his heart defect and has never used it as an excuse. Just recently, going through TSA at the airport, a TSA agent looked at Matthew and asked him what the bump was on his chest, as he reached out and felt it before any explanation was given. Matthew handled it like a champ and simply stated he had had heart surgery. This is, and always will be, a part of who Matthew is, and his family feels very blessed that he has become the fine young man that he is.
Matthew has continued to be a true heart hero, living life to the fullest while navigating the challenges of his condition with unwavering resilience. He keeps up with his medical appointments and is currently seen in the Single Ventricle Clinic twice a year. These check-ups ensure he remains in optimal health and receive the specialized care he needs.
In addition to managing his health, Matthew maintains a thriving career in the insurance industry, working full-time and excelling in his profession. Excitingly, he is also looking forward to a new chapter in his personal life, as he is getting married in 2024!
Matthew’s dedication to his health and fitness shines through his passion for golf and martial arts. These activities not only keep him active but also serve as a source of joy and personal fulfillment. The Heart Hero Golf Classic, in particular, is his favorite event of the year! He is so thankful for the invaluable support that the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati provides to the congenital heart community.
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