My favorite time of the year is fall, and I truly love being able to visit pumpkin patch locations such as Burwinkel Farms! A close second would be zoo days and the Festival of Lights! The heart community has been truly amazing!! From the heart walks, to the free events for heart families, to the gifts for the inpatient families, to being able to vent and listen, and everything in between. Funny story: I sell Scentsy along with someone named Jackie Crawford, who is also in this group. She was buying Scentsy off of me one time when I noticed her profile picture said something about her son being a heart warrior. I messaged her and asked about her son’s diagnosis. Fast forward to my son Levi’s first open-heart surgery. Jackie drove all the way to Cincinnati Children’s with a giant box of snacks for us, stuffed animals for both Levi and his twin brother Lane, McDonald’s for us for dinner, outfits for the boys, a large DoorDash gift card, and tons of other goodies. I barely knew her at this point. She told me how it’s nice to have a village to support you in those difficult times. Now, Jackie and I are very close, and I still can’t thank her enough for everything she has done for us and continues to do for us! That’s just one example of how the heart community goes above and beyond to show their love and support for each other.