Apply for Research Grants

Application Process

The Board of Trustees of the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati (CHAoC) requests applications for innovative cardiovascular research projects led by faculty dedicated to improving the lives of pediatric and adult congenital heart disease (CHD) patients and their families. Since 1940, CHAoC has invested in groundbreaking research and clinical programs that improve outcomes for CHD patients.

CHAoC will fund seed research, or ongoing projects associated with CHD. While the award is focused on translational investigation in hopes of improving patients’ lives with CHD, the board of trustees will evaluate proposals for merit and encourage applicants to apply.

All grant applicants are encouraged to provide significant detail and timing of intended work. Weight will be given to projects that have clearly delineated timelines, completion deadlines, and thorough descriptions.

Fall Cycle  | 2025*

October 15, 2025

Call for Research Proposals Open

December 15, 2025

Application Due to [email protected] by 5:00pm EST

March 15, 2026

Applicants Notified as to a Decision Regarding Funding

April 2026

Funds Released for Awardees upon Executed Agreement

*To continue our commitment to funding impactful research in congenital heart disease, we are adjusting our grant cycle to one application period per year. This change will allow us to maximize our support for groundbreaking projects that advance care and improve outcomes.

Our next grant application period will open in fall 2025. We appreciate your dedication to this important work and look forward to continuing to support innovative research in the future.

Recipients will be notified of a funding decision via email. The CHAoC Board of Trustees will require project updates at 12-month intervals, depending on length of funding duration. Expectations and requirements for these project updates will be shared with award recipients.

Application Requirements

All applications must be received by the deadlines outlined above and must include a CHAoC Research Proposal Cover Sheet, signed by PIs division director.

Applications must also include the following elements:

  • Title of proposal.
  • Investigator(s) department and divisional affiliation – at least one faculty member must be listed as principal investigator
  •  Research Proposal – no more than three pages (single space, ariel font, size 11), not including citations and must be submitted as one PDF. Proposals that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be reviewed. The proposal must include the following elements:
    • Abstract 
    • Specific Aims 
    • Innovation and clinical Impact 
    • Methods and data sources summary 
    • Prospects for future funding 
  • Citations (limited to 10)
  • Budget – A detailed budget that illustrates how the funding will be apportioned for any personnel, supplies and equipment. Faculty salary and equipment costs can be included or excluded as desired. No indirect costs should be included in the budget. As the grant is a catalyst for larger funding sources, indirect costs will not be supported. 
  • An NIH-style biosketch for the investigator that includes all current and pending support from all sponsored and non-sponsored sources. The biosketch is limited to four pages. 
Award Requirements

Recipients will be required to provide updates to the CHAoC Board of Trustees at 12-month intervals of the grant cycle. Grant funding must begin within six months of notification of award. Expectations and requirements for these project updates will be shared with award recipients. The CHAoC will reserve rights for media release and social media announcements. Publications resulting from this funding must include an acknowledgement of CHAoC’s support. Recipients may be asked to attend future CHAoC events.