You Are
Not Alone
Find Friends & Fill Information Gaps in the Fight to Overcome Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Do you remember that moment as a parent when you realized that your life would never be the same? Maybe you were born with CHD and had to hit the ground running? Either way, you’re on a life-long journey and there’s no need to be alone. Call on your inner-warrior and meet others like you that are doing the same. Find empowering information at a time when you’d prefer to have more than what is sometimes provided.

Heart Institute Encyclopedia
Pediatric Heart Information for Patients, Families, and Medical Professionals

Heartpedia Mobile App
The Heartpedia mobile app provides a variety of anatomically-correct, three-dimensional interactive heart models

Hopeful Hearts
A group benefitting children, parents, and families began to take root in 1997, when Julie Balzano, a CHAoC Trustee, had a son born with a complex heart defect.

James Doss Memorial Foundation
This Foundation’s mission is to support and uplift families who have lost children to Congenital Heart Disease

Sisters by Heart
This group of “heart moms” came together during their CHD journey – some of whom were fortunate to meet prior to their CHD warriors’ arrival.

Team IMPACT is a national nonprofit that connects children faced with serious or chronic illness to college athletic teams

The Heart Dialogues
A newsletter featuring candid conversations and writing for people born with heart conditions (and the people who love them)

Building the Field Documentary
A compelling documentary exploring the unresolved complexities of lifelong health care and mental health issues for children and adults living with congenital heart disease

Adult CHD Survivors of Cincinnati
This group of ACHD patients and medical staff is dedicated to providing support and education to the the adult community living with CHD