Board of Trustees

Meet Our Team

Our group is formed of many inspiring and dedicated volunteers that believe in the betterment of the lives of adults and children affected by CHDs. Read more about our volunteers and why they are involved by selecting their photos.

I'm Involved because...

Two of our four children were born with heart defects. My daughter earned her angel wings when she was just shy of five months old and my son is a young adult, who has benefitted from years of experience, research, and the evolving improvements of technology.

Julie Balzano
I'm Involved because...

I want to give my time to a group that has provided me and my family with much support and assistance over the past several years. My youngest daughter has some special needs and as such we see many specialists at CCHMC and attend the Perlman Center. This is a way for me to give back to an organization that has given so much to us.

Heather Bucher
I'm Involved because...

As an employee of the Heart Institute at CCHMC, I work closely with CHAoC and have witnessed their exceptional dedication, firsthand. The positive impact that CHAoC funding & programming has on patients with CHD is remarkable. I am proud of CHAoC for supporting innovative cardiovascular research and  improving the lives of those impacted by CHD.

Allison Creaghead
I'm Involved because...

My son Gabe was born in 1995 with Tetrology of Fallot. He has been blessed by all the great science and doctors at CCHMC, has had a wonderful relationship with his Cardiologist, and two successful surgeries that have allowed him to live a normal life. I would like to now give back to all who have helped us, and to help families, and all those facing CHDs.

Zerlina Dubois
I'm Involved because...

I believe that the most important thing we do as adults is to make even the smallest corner of our world a better place – beginning by giving every child the opportunity to thrive and to grow into a healthy, socially aware adult, who can continue the cycle.

William Flynn
I'm Involved because...

My interest in the CHAoC started when I began meeting committee members at NPC-QIC and hearing all of the amazing things they are doing in the community. As an cardiac dietitian, an advocate for heart patients, and a heart mom myself, I had to be a part of something greater, that will continue to touch lives all around for years to come.

Megan Horsley
I'm Involved because...

I felt the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati was a great organization to be a part of and a great way for me to give back to the community.

Chad Kamstra
Past Treasurer
I'm Involved because...

My daughter was born with multiple heart defects, and after receiving great care at CCHMC I wanted a way to give back. I believe the efforts of this organization have benefitted many lives, including my own, and have enabled physicians and caregivers in the field to "change the outcome" for many.

Terry Karageorges
Past President
I'm Involved because...

My son Zak was born with a CHD. Without for the efforts of the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati, my son, along with thousands of other children, would not be enjoying their lives today! CHAoC is committed to overcoming congenital heart defects, and I am here to make sure it happens.

Michael Katchman
Past President
I'm Involved because...

Having worked in the CCHMC Heart Institute, I saw the impact of heart defects on not only the child, but the whole family. I’m honored to be part of an organization that helps children, adults, and families living with CHDs thrive.

Dana Kimball
I'm Involved because...

My youngest son was born with a severe CHD and upon diagnosis it rocked our family. I was immediately in search of a community to help guide and support us. CHAoC is that community and I am honored to be part of an organization that helps children, adults, and families impacted by CHDs feel supported, loved and hopeful!

Gina Menninger
I'm Involved because...

My daughter was born with a critical CHD in 2017, a life altering diagnosis which brought us into the Heart Community. CHAoC is a phenomenal platform to spread awareness and advocate for research to overcome congenital heart defects as well as offer community support to all of those impacted by CHD.

Stephanie Nightingale
I'm Involved because...

CHAoC was introduced to me by my neighbor, a long-time board member. I know how important the work of CHAoC is and I was delighted to be asked to join. It is great to be associated with wonderful people dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with heart defects.

Patricia Payne
I'm Involved because...

It is a real pleasure to serve on the CHAoC board. It is the most fulfilling and rewarding privilege to see the progress that has been made with children’s heart procedures and the favorable impact it has over a lifetime.

Charlene Pfingstag
I'm Involved because...

Marc Pliskin
I'm Involved because...

Our youngest son, Elijah, was diagnosed with LQTS over the summer of 2018. His diagnosis ultimately saved his life and other family members’. Through the genetic testing process, it was determined that my oldest son and I also carry the gene defect. My desire is to create awareness, support families, and eradicate undiagnosed LQTS in children athletes.

Joshua Rand
Vice President
I'm Involved because...

Working together with children, we change hearts and lives throughout the country and in our own backyards.

Sallie Sumerel
I'm Involved because...

My family was directly impacted by CHD in 2012. As a result, we became connected to the Heart community and found a passion for helping Heart kids. I am particularly interested in advancing quality of life programs for children and their families. If we can help them take a break from their medical issues, expand their support network, and create a few smiles, I am all in.

Spencer Timmel

Honorary Trustees

Timothy Cassady

Michael Clark

Pamela Farber

William Heckman

Bonnie Paul

Madeleine Schwartz

Greg Tassone

Jack Weiland


In Memoriam

Janet Davis' Heartfelt Commitment

In 1966, Janet's son was born with a complicated heart problem. He died in 1970, because ways to correct his problem weren't developed until much later. Janet was involved with the CHAoC from the time of her son's passing until her own death on November 17, 2020. We are deeply grateful for her unwavering commitment toward funding research and development programs focused on helping to overcome CHDs, and keep Janet's legacy close in our hearts.